Cryptic hasn't released any information as to when the beta will begin. Since there is a rumored 1st quarter 2010 release date, it should begin soon. I for one have been checking my email daily.
I'm looking forward to travelling to various pont…
I haven't seen anything officially from Cryptic about this.
If it's purely cosmetic or account related, I don't mind.
However, if it turns out that you can buy extra weapons slots for your ships(s) or stronger Bridge Officers, then yup, I'd
At launch, only the Federation and Klingon Empire will be playable. Cryptic has hinted that other factions
(Romulan & Cardassian) may be added in a future expansion.
I think that STO will do just fine.
I've been folowing it since April, and am anxiously awaiting for it's release.
I know that ship interiors will not be in at launch, and I certainly understand that
a ship won't host multiple players. I agr…
Personally, I"m more PVE orientated, however, I'll occasionally "snap" and do some PVP.
If there are PVP sectors that a faction could win, I'll partake in it regularly.