So in other words, a sandbox.
Arbitrary rules, limitations and classes that makes an environment where new players can't compete and are forced to grind through "content" is the reason I don't play 90 percent of MMO's on the market.
If I had my legs broken every time I lost a match in Rugby, would I play? Fuck no. Would I risk that if perhaps, our team could win 10 million dollars? Its possible, and the beauty of a virtual game is there isn't really much at stake. At the end of…
What exactly Gameplay is, is quite ambiguous. I consider gameplay to be the core mechanics you deal with everyday, which is most games: how the fighting works, and also in RPGs: how the progression works, etc, and how all these create combine to cre…
Originally posted by lisubab
Originally posted by Boton
Few times in MMOs have I been excited as when I had someting to lose. It is a truely an exhilarating feeling. However, in these instances it wasn't all or nothing, so to speak. In other wo…
Originally posted by SenorHappy
I don't think it's quite as straightforward as you make it out to be. Let's take, for instance, an actual military battle following the U.S. Army chain of command. All of these will have different motivations a…
The question isn't possibility, its practicality. Why have a world that big, when players will simply congregate to the instances and quest areas. Large worlds in that scale only have a place in sandbox games, where real estate is a top resource.
This thread is akin to "Why do people think Chocolate Icecream tastes good?", and then going on about their personal opinions and why Vanilla is the best flavor.
So called "content" usually serves to keep players distracted from an otherwise…
Originally posted by Axehilt
Aha! I knew someone could quote me before I re-wrote my post. :P
But yeah, I've basically given up on most MMORPG PVP (but not MMO PVP; important distinction) because they're basically designed to have many no…
Originally posted by IlvaldyrO
So you're saying that for some people, the reason they are fighting is so they can make decisions about the fight?
I don't follow.
He's saying that people have differing views of the term "meaningful PvP".
One exa…
Few times in MMOs have I been excited as when I had someting to lose. It is a truely an exhilarating feeling. However, in these instances it wasn't all or nothing, so to speak. In other words, the penalty for failure wasn't overbearing. It's risk vs…
Originally posted by pencilrick
If lore has no tangible connection with gameplay, then lore IS meaningless. Heck, might as well make up a story that 500 years ago, the world was a modern metropolis, then it all blew up and now we have a crude me…
Originally posted by Axehilt
The issue is a bit more complicated, as you basically have two groups of players:
Those who feel the "meaning" of PVP is in capturing territory, resources, or items.
Those who feel "meaning" is making decisio…