Saving a game is almost impossible because the developers generally never believe what they created is the problem. Its always the darn end users that just don't understand.
Originally posted by Greyif "Pretty sure it will suck, its made by the same nerds that made GW2.. that has a heap of balance problems as far as I am concerned."
Sorry, you have no idea what your talking about. GW2 and WildStar are made by two sepa…
EA has nothing to do with it. The game is out now and you don't need a full dev team anymore and nobody in this industry cares about customer service anymore so if I was Funcom I would lay them off too. As they in certain circles it's just business.
Lets see a full group ready to go, but we have to spam the LFG tool "looking for a healer". The end of dedicated healers is a great idea.
Does anyone remember in the heyday of GW1 when many healers wanted to be paid to join your group?
It does not excite you, but you are going to play anyway? is that like food does doesn't excite me but I eat anyway. There is no rule that you have to buy GW2 and play it.
The game is actually pretty good not sure why there is so much hate. Why would any game company want to reinvent the wheel go with work works. The problem is the expectations are so high they are never reachable.
Well if the game is fun and you like it who cares what anyone thinks. It's your 50 bucks and monthly fee. For me I just can't see paying a monthly fee for basically a twist on the FPS genre.
This game will probably stick around for a while. Ncsoft will keep it alive as long as its making money if starts to get close to a money loser it will be gone. Aion does have advantage of the Korean Aion maybe subsidizing the NA and Euro versions. …