For anyone who thinks this game is still at a good population yes their not to wise.
But whoever is saying this game is at a shitty population (Lobo) yes your a dumbass
Vindictation on prime has near 800 and redemption can get up to 400 on a Pri…
my password for so i can Talk on all their games boards like for sith lords and other games not for but for
The 4th one down or the last one are nice ones for a cheap price, but the 4th one down is only like $15 bucks more and its 256MB rather then 128Mb so definetly take that one its for $153
The name is…
Ok everyone i agree with old CB up here if you enjoy picking pumpkins and sewing socks then o yes definetly go to WoW.
But if you dont wanna be a 110% Carebear and wanna be around the surruondings of Star wars then dont leave, and play to crush!
Actually i got my video card for under $100 because i remember the new 9800 Prc 256Mb was what i wanted and it was on sale for $150 but i couldnt get it.
Anyways and yes you can indeed get game cards for SW galaxies (wich is a reason i will be pla…
You processor is fine for the game (thank god)
But your video card and ram are crap try gettin a 512 stick of the new ram
And video card is one of the main reasons some people lag (not for everyone but for some) in big cities and big games. In …
Europe-Chimerea does that means its a european server or does it just have that name?.?
And if so what server would you say would be the best American server for most pvp and population
Thanks for the info but what is this im reading about people cant become jedis anymore until something 10? And Whats the average population on those 2 main servers you listed?