i agree can't wait to be able to play the game again, tobad they will probobly do a full caracther wipe for this weekend, took me a few hours to get from level 15 to level 20 last weekend with a full hydromancer armour sett for my elementalist.
id go with the mid end card aswell (9600) i have a shapire radeon 9600xt 256mb and it works like a dream on everquest, can run everything on high settings, depending on the time of the day i can even run it on very high.
i think the saphire atlant…
thanks for the info, seems my caracther was moved to an other server, probobly something to do with the fact that they shut down the server i created the caracther on
thanks for all your help i appreciate it
otto im having a lot of fun in game, never played as a hunter/ranger class before so im having a lot of fun with that, easy to solo play woth aswell.
WHY WHY WHY does it allways have to be the easy things i can't understand
thanks for your quick help now i can get back to my sweet littel tauren hunter
sounds really weird i would try conntacting fileplanet about it.
oh do you have a wow open beta account? if not i wouldn't bother downloading the game since they have goten their pre set number of players and their not giving away any more registr…
yeahj since i couldn't get the pre order in norway, thanks to amazon.com for no sending pc and video games outside usa, even though all other amazon shops sends world wide.
well anywasy managed to save 5 unused keys so i hope i'll be able to use t…
major geza the only download you'll need after install is a few updating patches and they go down rather fast.
enjoy the game i know i am, love how the leveling dosen't take forever like in FFXI, i got to lvl 7 tauren hunter in about 3 or 4 hours.…
worked just fine downloading wow, got it of fileplanet at 90kb¨s so it took 6-7 hours to download.
looking forward to start a new caracther this weekend, since i was an elementalist/warrior for the two first weekends im thinking about warrior/…
norwegians can log in perfectly, tested the game last night and after testing a few diffrent caracthers i settled with a tauren hunter whom now is level 5.
great gmae can't wait for the european release of the game.
ohh and i registerd with …
it was much better, they had done some balance work on some of the caracthers, and added a few cool things.
the guild cloaks from last week where gone and replaced with some really neet long cloaks.
can't wait to test the game again this weekend.
this weekend sure was sweet, started a new caracther since you could level it from 1 this time, got to lvl 19 with a full set of Hydromancer armour with orange dye.
can't wait for this weekend to come up, to bad their wiping caracthers.
this game never gets boring been playing since may 2003 (beta) with about 6 months break, and im still loving this game, tried all the sides and i must say i like the terran republic best.
but for the real cheap retail price it's defenently wort…
now i remember why i never used the free trial key i got from fileplanet, kind of want to test the game before i fill in my credit card number.
and star wars galaxies didn't need a credit card for the trial tested the trial and uninstalled the gam…
you try spelling when it's closing in on 2.30 am
i hope blizzard get this fixed by morning, gmt+1, so i can start downloading, hoping to get a dl speed of 120kbs and not 20kbs as i heard many got for the closed betas.