Thank you to everyone. I am not sure I am sold on this game, so I will give the trial a shot and see how it goes. Lots of helpful suggestions and ideas on what to expect here.
Neither one of them stack up to WoW as far as keeping you busy with or without a group.
I am sure you have read all of the issues with FFXIV.
FFXI is still kindof the same. They have made an effort to make it easier to lvl to the max lvl, but …
after reading all of this, the games sounds ancient. So why can't that one person run it on their PC? Seems like it should work with any PC that could run FFXI, WoW, or any of those free Aeria game. Am I correct in stating this?
Make sure you have better than their recommeded "minimum requirements". This game moves SLOW on an above average PC. Its still free so thats a plus. If you hate it, then after the $40.00 for the game, thats is all you lose
I hate that... FFXI was almost the same way when it was released. SE should learn by now that everyone isnt rich and we all dont live inside Microsoft Headquarters.
The safest bet is to buy it at your Local Best Buy or GameStop new. If you must buy it online, Amazon/Best etc... Always new for MMO stuff, but thats just MHO.
Originally posted by Kyleran See, the thing is OP, for most of your points, what you see as a plus in WOW (and a negative in the other game is simply a matter of opinion, and many players don't care for how WOW has done some things. I'll elaborate:…
1) Make a game with end-game content for the casual and hardcore gamers. WoW did this with WotLK, however, the gear was way too easy to obtain which turned off some hardcore gamers. Now end-game is back to the hardcore WoW gamer. There should be …
Honestly, you would like World of Warcraft.
It has everything you mentioned minus the housing, free, and marriage.
Since Cata, there is a real storyline in the game. The cooking is basic, but very useful. The dungeons sometimes take some prob…
like mentioned by your first responder, I played FFXI from the NA release up until about 2-3 years ago. I loved it, but for end-game content, it required that you have no life, and a terrible sleep schedule to get the best gear in the game. For th…