delete5230 said:
They may not care if you stay. I often think about that, its a numbers game. Cost vs. Return in investment.
Two examples make me think of this :
1) Single player games make a ton of money without reoccurring $15 a mont…
Originally posted by randomt I seem to recall that Vanguard was pretty group heavy, back when it came out.. I don't know what state it is in now but may be worth checking out
vanguard is no more.
Originally posted by Theocritus IT seems like every MMO follows the same pattern on this site:
1. in beta every MMO is the greatest thing ever
2. at release the games are promising but the bad release is hurting it
3. one month after rele…
Originally posted by dromo003
As a 23 year old male, married, child, house, real life issues (no of this actually matters but gives a view into me :-)) it has been harder and harder for me for mmo's to hold my interest for longer than a mon…
Originally posted by Toquio3
you dont like males playing females? i guess the whole 'role-playing hgame' concept elludes you.
on topic, im not surprised. china is a shit hole. not only are they turning their own country into a pile of concrete, b…