i would love to have a beta key if someone has to spare, i want to get into the beta to gather info about the game so that i can develop an iphone application when it is released. (build/talent calculator reference app)
i had been skeptical about wow style graphics but the graphics of wildstar seem to go well with its setting, races etc. It feels like a good old sly racoon game. While i prefer more realistic textures, this might be a nice change of sight.
I am quite certain that this game will have raiding content at end game, one of the devspeaks mentioned about a quick portal to raids. What i dont know is that if there will be open world pvp, anybody knows anything about that?
i am not impressed at all. too much focus on the non gaming features. ps3's reveal was a lot better imo showing the games instead of focusing on the `box`. And now they have the upper hand while showing their machine for the first time :P
lots of cry babies... There is no grind at all in gw2.. Considering the old school mmos. i remember calculating the number of creatures (tens of thousands) to kill for a single level up. and it was like %2,5 exp per day. Also there were games where …
i was a huge "fan-boy" before it was released as GW1 offered unlimited content in terms of pvp, and we expected at least as much in gw2 with better dynamics. We really trusted in Anet, but after release we saw the reality. PvP in this game is a like…
I love the kids' OP/UP/NERF/BUFF fights,
I think pistol whip is a lot better burst, also i like caltrops build with twisting fangs, a lot more reliable.
Combat system is amazing and thanks to that system, each class have a unique sense of gameplay. It is like God of War with 8 different characters
Controls are really responsive, you dont watch some bars in order to succeed you watch your opponenet…
The world has so much detail in it. Every corner is treated as if they are the center of the world.
I find myself lost too. For example, for a second i decide to check that one poi on my map suddenly i see mithril node which leads me to a small cav…
a 15-25 zone is not supposed to gain you 10 levels, it just means it is suited for them. There are several zones of the same level. And if you do those you will be well above the zone's level.
Originally posted by otinanai123
~2 weeks after the masses hit 80. The date will be 20-9-2012. The endgame just isn't good enough.
Oh so you have played the endgame.. Tell us how you have beaten zhaitan, crafted the legendary weapons, completed al…
There will be a free trial eventually after launch. Anet takes their beta tests more seriously than most companies. Lots of people do not know what beta is. So becuase of those people that see the beta as free trial, Anet doesnt do open beta. Becaus…
By the last stress test Engineer was one of the strongest classes out there and some of its builds need some nerfing to get balanced. You can deal 17k+ burning damage with a single skill in some of the viable condition builds, or wreak havoc with go…
There were 80 levels at the end of the BWE2, so they will level even faster with highier level areas.
Such a pointless rush and waste for those people , i have been waiting this game for more than 5 years, why would i even rush to level up, i want …