I saw this on the news last night, i was laughing, I dont like Bush that much anyways.. But I dont feel like getting into a political fight with someone
It seems like it may be, but who would be the new pope if he did die It wouldnt be the same, because "Da freakin pope"(if you have seen family guy) is a one of a kind
Yea, I heard abou this ohh 2 months ago? Im not sure if it's going to be all that grerat though, I mean it may be some new maps and all, but is it worth it? We'll just have to wait..and see..
Originally posted by Atomicus
Ventrilo is better than teamspeak beacause you can actually control the volume of incoming and outgoing speech. Wouldnt be a bad idea for an MMORPG.com mic forum but i do agree with others that it would not be pretty.
Yeah, I guess we were all right I thought he was on TV, wasnt sure though.. I was right bout that also I guess Well, Ive got to get going, later
Im still laughing from it, and the funny thing is, this kid in one of my classes looks exactly like him, just not as fat.. We tried to pay him to do it, lol
Actually Runescape is a good MMO, you just have to have the right taste. Most of you probably dont like it because you can afford the ones like WoW and EQ2.. Im stuck with Runescape, not that its a bad thing.
Yeah, I signed this awhile back, Im very upset swith yahoo, uninstalled everything on my computer that they put on themselves or I downloaded, I mean, why the heck do you have to controll every singe thing. X-Fire is simply the most brilliant messe…