I am deeply deeply sorry for the spelling mistake! lol
I wont get it wrong again Shaman!
Yeah i think the tauron look the best lol have a massive beast rather then a skinny troll with a rectangluar head.
OK thanks my Shaman shall be an Tauron…
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel people i fink will buy the CE for the extra pet that it gives whihc is open to all races whihc does actually sound pretty cool lol.
And i dont know what else comes with it lol but i think its worth it if you have the money…
lol errrr no its not a joke lol thanks.... Ive only played diablo2 and everquest and i havent herd of PvE B4 lol and now im going to start WoW ive herd it and was just wondering what it means lol Thanks.
lol ok... alot of abreviation but i fink ive got the general idea lol shamen it will be then! now to wait for the delivery of the game got it off ebay yesterday
Originally posted by Dremvek
You'll still need 2 copies of the game - the collectors edition gives you 1 copy and a 10 or 14 day trial. You'll still need a second copy.
are you serious? couse the reason i got the collectors edition was so 2 peo…
Ok thanks low pop server it is then. Now for me to order da game off ebay lol. I cant find it in any shops im gonna get the collectors edition as my bro wants to play aswell and i have 2 pcs lol.
Thanks for the help.
Originally posted by Cuttin_Edge
OK i have got alot of knowledge conserning MMORPGS lol i was just wonderin is WOW is the same. I have played everquest on the ps2 and that proved highly addictive for me
Hmmmmmm now here the question really i go c…
OK i have got alot of knowledge conserning MMORPGS lol i was just wonderin is WOW is the same. I have played everquest on the ps2 and that proved highly addictive for me
Hmmmmmm now here the question really i go college full time and theres a hel…
i see lol thats alot of people playing... and 80servers!!?? so ill start wiv 1 server clcok it then move on? or just stick to one server? and whats all this about seling gold on ebay?