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  • You guys who r pot-shotting me just haven't a clue.... Maybe this is the way I channel my stress. Better than withholding my annoyance don't u think? Blasting users is always the way to take the heat off of the true culprit, so it wouldn't surpr…
  • As ELITE members of this forum, J-monster and Puoltry, u should be expected to READ thread BEFORE u reply! I'm NOT a beta tester and I DO pay! My main argument is that I should have a right to correspond on the WoW forums, as I can on most other…
  • Be all right if I could login now I've downloaded the patch (and what a slowby!). That dreadful Reals screen and no way to log in, WHY DIDN'T THEY FIX THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alan THIS IS SERIOUS BAD TIMING BY blizzard ON A BANK HOLIDAY WHEN THOUSAND…
  • Thanks for all your replies. Hey Razorback, I dunno what peoples problem is with mature gaming. I get it too. Don't see them yelling at all those 'couch potatoes' passively dying in front of a TV every night! I personally think that a game as in…
  • Originally posted by Datcyde Originally posted by Zrazik My god, WoW interface owned you? When you enter stealth mode, your action bar chnges since you'll be using different set of abilities in that mode anyway. It's reallly that simple. Also …
  • This game is not available at Gameplay, either. I discovered this 'sold out' problem a few days ago but got a copy from Stategic Plus. They told me it was their last one. I've been led to understand this has been caused by server overload problems…
  • Thanks for your replies... It seems like WoW didn't like my Sanyo DVD drive (first time I've had that problem!). I finally got it installed using my Asus CDrom writer but it was kinda slow (about 3/4 hour PHEW!) Alan