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  • Yep its a massive fail. Although it evidently works since the majority of people dont have a clue.
  • Well Im sure those specs wll be fine for you, however I dont see a video card listed there. Just wondering what it is, because that really is teh desisive peaice of hardware. Needless to say, if you got itegrated graphics you are not going to be sat…
  • Well look what you've gotten yourself into here... Here's your problem, even at your price range, the options you could get by building your own computer are infinitely better than when buying from a company like dell. However, since you're quite su…
  • Ok dont buy that dell. I have a way better deal for you. Its an Alienware, whihc is obvoiusly a high end brand that has recently been purchased by Dell. So you wont have to worry about quality or service. The total price is $979.00, and that include…
  • Hey, for starters how much is this dell gona set you back?
  • As of yet I havent played this game. However, from what i've heard from friends and what truth i've peiced together from all the bull on these forums, there is pve in the game. You never "have" to touch pvp. However, the pve level cap of 40 is reall…
  • I would sudgest trying a new instalation. Completely uninstall it, and reinstall it. I have a couple friends that have had probalem with WAR so far, mind u not the ones you are experiencing. However, there is no harm in trying and it may have good r…
  • I would sugest going with a ATI 4850 over the 9800 GT. They will generaly outperform this Nvidia card.
  • WOAH!! Just in case your gonam go buy all this stuff soon your in luck. Intel just dropped their quad core prices today!! Yopu camn now get the Q9550 for the same price as the Q9450 was before!!! http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1…
  • Originally posted by tuzalov Canadian Dollars   Asus P5E3 Deluxe 327.00   www.canadacomputers.com/index.php Intel Core 2 Quad Q9450 370.00  www.canadacomputers.com/index.php XFX GeForce 9800GTX 300.00  www.canadacomputers.com/index.php Corsair XM…
  • To start off, cloning a cumputer isn't nessesary, and may not be the best idea. Many large stores sell computers that are built around common misconseptions, advertising only certain parts in order to maximize profits. Regardless, the first questi…
  • To start off, if you can, I would strongly recommend waiting for Intel to launch Nehalem. If the leached benchmarks are real then it has a solid performance increase over the current Intel CPU's. Furthermore, as mentioned above it is a completely ne…
  • What he probably means is the difference between the displays specs and such. If your laptop display is far superior than the other one, then things will look worse. However, if your other display is better, you could potentially get a better image.
  • Define resonable price and I'll post a couple suggestions lol.
  • Ok well the big question here is will you consider building this yourself? Or are you looking for a pre built system? Depend on the answer, suggestions will be very different, so I wont go into any of them right now.
  • On the contrary, overcloking a cpu is perfectly fine if you know what your doing. If you havent done it before, a good guide and much care should lead to a succesful experience. Regardless, I would recomend the E8400 over the E6800, that is if you a…
  • One is all you need. In fact you can not install both as they will conflicts and cause problems on you system. You can only have one anti virus on you at a time.  
  • Originally posted by Burli Originally posted by Lord_Elros Ok, first off you should definately go with the Core 2 Duo E8400. Quad cores are nice for multithreading apps, but at the moment a dual core with a higher clockspeed will offer you bett…
  • Ok, first off you should definately go with the Core 2 Duo E8400. Quad cores are nice for multithreading apps, but at the moment a dual core with a higher clockspeed will offer you better gaming performance. Plus the dual core will overclock alot be…
  • Ok, here's a few things. For starters, I dont really like Thermaltake cases, they are ussually cheaply made, but that's not a big deal. More importantly, you should definately be going with the intel processor. Im no fanboy, but atm their processors…