Guildwars looks like the next shadowbane + daoc, I can't wait for it. But since it's so far in the future before release im waiting on World of Warcraft
#zfz on gamesnet
Install lagged my computer for like 15 minutes until it said something "i think it said installation completed" so i hit finished and started it up and got this. hehe anybody else?
#zfz on gamesnet
You're having download problems because shit-loads of people are all trying to download at the same time, they are fixing it atm. I just downloaded last night and now servers acting up they should have it fixed soon, be patient. :P
#zfz on gamesnet
This would amount to about how fast you lvl, gain skills, whatever. If it's slow grinding that you work hard on well i'm not sure im up for that.
#zfz on gamesnet
It is illegal now, they have put copyrights on all their .gifs, names and other game information. In order to host a private server you need to change at least 3 pixels on every image and change the names of every item/mob/etc. Alot of the big pri…
PrinceVegeta, what is the estimated release date for lineage 2? I have been looking at the site alot in the last few weeks. Have'nt been trolling enough boards I think. :P
#zfz on gamesnet
Btw WoW has lots of pvp concepts, that are already implemented. For example, pvp zones sort of like DAoC Rvr Zones that will alow free player vs player battles.
What this comes down to for me, is like which over comes out first. I hate waiting…
I loved kotor, and I play call of duty currently. I hated SWG though I just couldnt get into the game just seemed like I was doing nothing all the time when I logged in.
#zfz on gamesnet
You probably followed that zerg guy too, I know I did when I started. After a while you start to tell who the good players are. Guild members knew some aim screennames from the others on the other realms. We also idled on irc like everyday giving…
Originally posted by pocket-aces
Shadowbane is in my opinion the best game on the market today. After raising many characters to high levels, and being involved in multiple guilds I still was having fun. I ran my own guild untill the tremendous …
Daoc, those names were used as ranks to signify the rank of certain players and how many people they have killed (realm points based) and its not anything like rock paper scissors. Most good groups do 8v8 battles and end up being the best group vs …
does FFXI have any type of Player vs player, dueling, arena, open hostile areas? Anything like that?
Also how did you only play for 2 months, I played for over a year and I only had 2 lvl 50s. What were you lvl 25 and got discouraged at the low …