Yeah and your mr cool taking the time to come here and tell people you thank Ragnarok is gay we don't want to hear your crap so go choke on your own vomit.
Like people are saying, its because you will be rewarded by your skill not how many hours you've played.
Also limits to gap from low lvl characters to high lvl characters for less restricted parties etc.
Originally posted by shanamason
yup, there is nothing to do but level and pvp and gvg. It doesn't have any place where you just hang around a sit and theres not many events that go on a day like what graal has. Tons of events and you can get strong…
Wow, lots of these threads. This site and others like it are here to help you make decisions on whether or not a game is any good with respect. So take a look around and get tehe jist of what is good and whats not, asking around only helps to a poin…
Indeed, the Private server community is huge, and I believe the now offical euRO servers where initially a PServer, but they had so many players gravity decided to cash in and make them pay.
Pservers are good too just for testing builds etc, that's…
I guess it kinda depends, obviously GW is more pvp orientated so if you enjoy pvp alot then go for that, also it has no charge as you mentioned which is always good.