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  • Originally posted by BlueCoyote Originally posted by Rehmes Its a rather small dev team with seemingly low budgets trying to change the MMO status quo. And even if they fail i dont think itl spell death to open pvp or FPS style MMORPGs, every fa…
  • Maybe you didn't notice but those two ships were fighting in a small bay, at pretty close quarters, not much room for 'mobility' when 30 cannons are sinking you in a few seconds.  Naval warfare in the open sea would probably be fairly different.  …
  • Just a couple of quick points to make. MMORPGs have not been about "role-playing" for a long time now.  The only realy role-playing that happens tends to be on RP dedicated servers in most MMO's.  In all other servers it's the same old same old...…
  • combat is twitch based iirc.  None of this standing 5 hours for you're turn I think the graphics are fantasitc, especially when you consider the scale of battles there will be.  Anything more would mean you need a monster machine to run em on. …
  • low quality You Tube version can be found here ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vM6bz-Z6-Ew I however STRONGLY recommend the high res download from the DF site, it's only 50 megs and well worth it.  The level of graphical detail as apparent in…
  • The PvE expansions killed the game for me.  I kind of put up with the first one but when TOA came out there was no way I was going to go back to endless pointless boring PvE grinding just so I could remain competitive in PvP. Mythic called that co…
  • who cares how good the video looks, without pvp it's meaningless.  Why pay a monthly fee for a chat room and a single player game.
  • I have an honest straight forward question.  I'm not currently playing any MMOs.  So I'm wondering about archlord.  But i really don't want to play a grind fest.  As much as i like the pvp system of games like Lineage 2 or Archlord Ifind the the gri…
  • Frankly, I don't care if they co-produce or co-publish. As far as I'm concerned If a game as an SOE tag on it in anyway or any relationship to them, I'm not going to buy it.  Regardless of the franchise.  In any other business if a company treated…
  • you seem to be confused, the modus operandi of MMORPGs IS reptition. The end game in pretty much every MMORPG involves the same thing over and over again.. WoW - endless instance farming for example. What makes the experience fun and rewarding…
  • D&L was rushed and it shows.  They basically wanted to make players pay for an incomplete game so they could finish it later on.  This is what happens when a game isn't properly developed and just rushed to production to make a quick profit. T…
  • There is only so much variety availible in a carebare grinding game. I think people fail to realise that what makes MMO's TRUELY unique and FUN is the interaction between players.  The more you limit this the less fun the game is. At the end of …
  • there is only one person working on this game and I think he is going to have a tough time finishing it, AND delivering a quality product, still wish you the best of luck and success.
  • SWG Dev sanctioned griefing with no way of escape or revenge. Constant nerfing, changing and destruction of the game. Non-existant support. Lying, repeatedly to the community.  Treating us like idiots while they make money.  Showing absolute…
  • it's SoE i trust them about as far as I can throw them.
  • PvP in WoW is a shadow of what it should be, there are two reasons for this. The best honor points and rewards come from PvPing in battle grounds, there is little if any reward for open PvP.  Sadly the only open PvP that was viable in the game and…