Originally posted by Martie
You do realise they are running hundreds upon hundreds of servers, and preparing for the biggest expansion launch, even bigger than BC, and you are complaining about a downtime, which is maintenance and you miss some h…
Originally posted by GreenHell
I find it amusing yet kind of sad that you would call anyone who sees it that way unstable. They put tons of time in to whatever they were doing just to have it taken away. I can see their point. Not only wa…
Originally posted by Darkstryder
The NGE fanbois seem to be on here the vet forum defending the NGE more than actually playing there so called beloved NGE.
Before the NGE I never used any forums other than the trade forum. If you think th…
Originally posted by GreenHell
A lot of people feel like they got screwed. I dont know nor am I going to argue if they did or not. The bottom line is that is the common perception that a lot of vets have.
false. only the unstable o…
Originally posted by Dreadlich
Don't worry about it. If you're having fun, then leave these forums and never look back. Their hatred is beyond reason at this point. Just enjoy the game and forget about anything said here.
well said. i'…
if the upcoming games actually release on time i'm guessing in 6 months swg will be a goner no matter what nonsense they try to pull. there are already many dead servers and not many new people showing up so when the remaining playerbase takes a hik…
any COMBAT oriented game that needs to use nudity and sex to sell cant turn out well imo. i can just imagine the dregs of society this game will cater to. i'm no prude but that dog just aint gonna hunt.
Originally posted by frodus
why people will invest in a game they know from history that soe and LA are going to change it again for sure is beyond me...its scary i tell u..just keep that crap a live by just enough players to keep it a float ....…
Originally posted by raoul
Originally posted by 1badjedi
Originally posted by MMOLifestyle
Nope, it is about time they did it how P.E. is going about it. That is focusing their effort on the core game that everything else will be based …
Originally posted by MMOLifestyle
Nope, it is about time they did it how P.E. is going about it. That is focusing their effort on the core game that everything else will be based off of and having it be solidest release to date.
With that accom…
the irrationality in this thread is staggering. a clear lack of reading fundementals abounds too. anyway all you soe haters ty for your attitude. your immaturity and hate of all things sony means that i will never run into such a weirdo ingame. one …
Originally posted by ArcheusCross
Must be a WoW kiddie (one that has not experienced pre-cu) .... hmmm. You need to read my signature before speaking.
Justifiable rudeness aside... for the time being...why rant and rave about it? To get…
Originally posted by Angelbound
I think most of you are taking it way to seriously its just a game,
you can either play it or not but sitting around all day pissin about it does what exactly?
this has to be the lamest forum on the …
i was ch as well pre cu and it was nowhere near as complex as this new BM system. dont even try it. big deal ya had to go out and find the critter ya wanted and then it was a 50/50 chance to actually tame the thing. i remember people having bio pets…
Originally posted by Theutus
I heard they aren't going to let you spend two minutes stuffing packing, black powder, and a lead ball down the muzzle of your pistols before you fire a single shot!! completely ruins immersion for me. I mean come on wh…
my friend says, my buddy says.....meh! it will be proven legit when it goes live. until then it's smoke and mirrors and lots of promise.
the date i see says june 1 release so any decision on it being vaporware or not cannot be confirmed or denied …