Originally posted by DztBlk
Someone said pc gaming is dead. It is indeed DEAD! I
I've been hearing that since the 90's and it's still going strong. In fact pc gaming is doing better than ever, due to (but not limited) indie sceen, crowd funding,…
Well out of the two I would say ESO, really, and I kind of feel strange recommending it, as I would not do so sometime ago.
But if getting immersed is what you like, then have you considered The Secret World? From what I saw and read, the quests a…
Originally posted by CalmOceans Originally posted by Darkholy What really changed is the community, and what they want and how. In the past it was a small group on geeks, and they were playing niche games designed by geeks for geeks.
This …
Originally posted by Dracheir I feel like it brings too many people together at once, making a game feel like it's a glorified chat room, instead of a fantasy immersion experience.
Hate to break it to you, but way back in the day, the frist EQ …
Originally posted by MrMelGibson
But, I personally have never had an issue with Origins. I have had more issues with Steam tbh. I love both and use both. I don't get the hate with Origins.
Well 'hate' is a strong word, but I had Origin hang on…
As much as i loved SB, I don't think I will keep my Hunter rune equiped for this one...
Also I don't realy like the so called 'hype trains'. Hype, in the form we have it now anyway, needs to go away.. like for ever.
Originally posted by Howbadisbad Makes me want to play SoTA now...
Also Wizard 101, Pirate 101, Dofus, and Wakfu are all games that use turn based/card based and they are successful.
And Atlantica Online. And ecol tactics. Oh and I guess HoMM …
Originally posted by Styxa I have played a game called dungeon fighter online many years ago until Nexon took it off the western market and it didnt found its way back till now. You guys know something similar?
thanks alot :-)
You are in luck …
Originally posted by apb2011 What happened to me
You got old, welcome to the club Bob.
Also you might have grown out/got bored of the same old same old... and need someting new. I myself can't stand the 'classic' type mmorpg's anymore, but …