I was under the impression when I made something for the marketplace it would be within the game using their tools. After reading the Player Studio FAQ, I feel little mislead. Not sure why but I do. Anyone else under the same impression I had? So wh…
I remember being lvl 1 for the first time, which was in 2003, and I remember in the beginning everyone would help each other but somewhere along the line that all changed. Now MOST veteren players would ignore anyone who would ask for help such as h…
I enjoyed vanguard, but it came out the same time vista did, so that prolly had a lot to do with things. People thought 1gb was enough to run vista and play vanguard. Granted there was a lot of bugs at the beginning and I loved the parley system, wh…
Im sure they will still have skill chains and MB chains, but as one poster said they could go with the FF10 learning weapon system but dunno how they would do that without xp and how would one define levels?
Nice screenshot even though its cutscenes, GIVE us real screenshots of gameplay. Thats one thing that bothers me, when I go look for games, I dont wanna see screenshots, I want to see GAMEPLAY screenshots. Am I the only person that feels like this? …
Has it really been 4 years already? To this day I still find myself nitpicking different games and wishing how they had housing and shops like swg did. That made it more realistic to me. I have noticed in gameshops that its no longer on the shelves…
Well for those who are worried about not being able to get a party right away...you can always level sync down to other players who are lower than you. Heres bit of information about that.
Click here : http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/wiki/2008_-_(09/…
I noticed something and it was the faces of these toons on this screenshot, I hope they dont end up looking like a blurred,distorted faces like they did in anarchy online.
I have several questions about this.
1. When can we see some actual gameplay screenshots, not cutscenes.
2.what style will be seeing(3d or 2d) for space and on the ship walking around?
If I have anymore questions I will ask later, since it is …
I have been playing since the 1st week it came out and Im still not lvl 75....Im close..73 but the constant grind gets tiring so I like to help others out, so I spent a great deal of my time helping people get pappy, armor etc. But if you have time …
I'm a paladin and there have been many times where I have been in grave danger because the rdm wanted to melee and didnt want to heal. I hate to say it but RDM's are the backup for whm's next to blm of course but if your going to be in a party use a…