" So i want to hear why the NGE as a game sucks so bad"
well your asking this question in Swg Veteran Refuge. and most people here played pre cu.
you might want to post your question somewere that no one has played pre cu.
i could do a loo…
Well i was master bio engineer and creature handler. one day i logged in only to find a respec screen. i could do nothing else
but respec "forced respec"
my professions were gone with out warning! i had to "basicly" start over. as been said hunder…
yes there was one topic that did regard swg. why it was locked i have no idea..
if one wants to get into locking topics.. i could go to all the forums on this site and would find several that would under the "rules" eligible to be locked. there has…
PreCU docs was never on my gripe list. Frankly I don't think they were on anyones. If there was a gripe, it might be that people couldn't say no to them. I played the first 3 months with no buffs, I had no idea there was such a thing. After I was ma…
Originally posted by iskareot
This is just but one tiny part of the MMO feel in the game, not to mention business and the econ of it all.
another thing that was needed was decay. though it needed ajusted"armor went to fast".
as been said here. if you hate swg so much...dont read the forums! some people still like it.
i myself dont play it no more (yes i like precu). but i like to read the forums and i dont "bash" people for posting comments....
i made a hones…