I switched my tag over to my real name, just after they stepped back on their Real ID stuff. Tried to change it multiple times, over the span of two years, and was always told that I had been given my one free change already and should be happy to …
I have to disagree a bit on Symmetra. Her weapon is one of the most powerful in the game, assuming you can keep it channeling for a few moments. She can shred a defensive or tank character in no time. The secondary fire also goes through shields …
Just don't pick Hanzo, McCree, or Widowmaker and you should be dandy. Those three take a pretty decent amount of twitch ability, and you're often fighting off of the objectives. No one usually cares if you can't hit the broad side of a barn, but p…
I would echo Sith Warrior. He has the force potential to be a mix of everything like Revan, but he isn't trained enough to utilize it - and the main fight we see him in strikes very similar to the idea of a Rage Juggernaut.
H0urg1ass said:
I had no clue that Sword Coast Legends was that badly received. In fact, I was looking forward to picking it up on the next steam sale.
So, it basically wasn't anything like BG1&2 or the Icewind Dale games at all?
There are quite a few Chinese language games on Steam, and they're generally priced in the same range from what I recall - though they are all by Koei so that might be indicative of their pricing and less about Chinese market pricing.
oh my god I cant believe this conversation has gotten down to adjusted for inflation gas prices...
what the hell?
yes for what you get $60 is cheap. Although for me its a non-issue because I dont even like those games, I tend t…
Cecropia said:
rojoArcueid said:
Cecropia said:
rojoArcueid said:
$60 barely a full tank of gas? Come to NJ, last time i checked a full tank is about $20 bucks give or take.
$20 bucks for a tank? What do you d…
Dakeru said:
What he describes sounds like your average script used by RMT.
So I really wonder why you guys are trying so hard to discredit him.
Kind of wondering the same thing.
Fdzzaigl said:
You know, I somehow suspect (or at least hope) that these kinds of posts are generated through some kind of web-based bullshit generator similar to http://cbsg.sf.net/.
Well, I know where all of my future posts are coming…