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In the Air Force based in England currently


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  • If MMO's become rated as successful purely on launch sales... then I think i'll be finished playing MMO's forever.  Age of Conan made sales cause it had flashy crap like fatalities, nice graphics that they can show on the case itself and headline pv…
  • don't forget that AoC recommended reqs is actually the minimum reqs  i'm above recommended requirements and i still have to play on low with most things turned off to keep 40-60 fps. to be fair though... if some how you can handle the high setting…
  • I wont believe a game will be released and have any kind of polish until i finally witness such a thing.  name a game to me that's come out already and i might consider.  and i don't count junk free2play games.  i played AoC beta and i thought it wa…
  • what i want is to see people stop defending EA, they havn't proven to be capable of anything.  it's no different than say a terrorist buying a "how-to" instruction guide to making a nuke and then making one.  they don't make quality anything, they b…
  • btw, is this EAs first MMO?  i know the reputation of EA being a slave driver to push out games as fast as it can... but could it possible that they really are giving mythic the time and freedom to accomplish what they want?
  • I don't know about any of you but every MMO that comes out has a bunch of hype and when it's released it's not everything they make it out to be.  Why people are thinking WAR will come out and have no major issues is beyond my ability to comprehend.…
  • ok, i miss read what you said, i thought you were listing games to prove there still is innovation.  I don't really see innovation as being very important.  for action oriented games like platform and sports games it is important to come up with new…
  • I wouldn't call Halo 3 innovation... it was short and really just the same game with better graphics cause it was on a new system.  Innovation kind of defers when you're talking about different genres anyways.  For shooters, it's not just looking be…
  • to the thing about balance, that only applies in PVP.  if there's no pvp then it's not an issue... of course then people will complain that if they make a healer they can't solo... and the whining goes on and one and on.... see how this works?  lol …
  • i hear a lot of people talking about being rightious haters.  "we hate because we once loved"  or "we hate cause it makes them try harder"  think what you want of yourself.  but you know a lot of the "THIS GAME BLOWS MY BALLS I R NOT MAX LEVEL WOW I…
  • for the sandmen... it's like... south eastish but it's not like near the coast.  there's also a river on the hill. another thing i figured helped me find mobs is if you right click the minimap and click on friends and enemies, it shows all players s…
  • well dex is usually ability to hit with melee, casting time and ranged damage.  quickness is probably your ability to dodge and attak faster.  str is damage output and max weight.  int ups sp and makes spells do more damage.  wisdom ups regen.  cons…
    in stats Comment by Krude December 2005
  • if you're at the west town there's a hill... 2-3 hills away with level 5-8 Sandmen, i was there till i turned level 10. if you're on the east, on the first big island is a hill with level 7-11 wolfs.
  • yeah well... the servers are down at the moment and they had shut down right when i was flying over water.... so i can't wait to get back in to swim my ass to land lol.  and i just made shadow knight =(  it's sad cause i was one of the highest level…
  • i'm just happy i'm not the only one.  i have a X850 and you know it's the graphics cause the screen gets shitty like your graphics card is over loading or something and then you know you're getting the error in about .5 seconds.  though sometimes i'…
  • what the hell you say jeti?  lol
  • oh yeah... and realise that the company is new... this isn't blizzard or some shit.  and i think they're doing pretty damn good.