depends wat u like... mine favourite is rogue because its fast and at lvl 45 u can get stealth so its good for pvp, mage i like because they deal strong damage priest i like them because there accepted every where but i dont like worriors... there j…
what bothers me the most is tat THERE ARE SO MANY WORRIORS! NOT TO MENTION HUMANS AND NIGHT ELFS(even though i am a night elf mi self) all the NE players are like 10 years old! and theres too many allience players on this game and the fact tat most …
Go gnome!!! there beter for pvping cause its harder to spot you in groups! and because its funny when a gnome kills something cause u can dance on there big body! lol and dude i wood say gnomes have better racials like escape artist.. 10+ dosnt doo …
I personally think a lot of it has to do with people who DON'T know the lore thinking that the Alliance is 'good' and the horde 'evil'. And many people just naturally gravitate towards t…
servers are too full...just keep on pressing connect when tat message comes on .. u'lll get on eventully, once it took me 20 minutes in the afternoon. lol its cause of them dam turkesh ppl the best time to log on for north americans is in the eveni…
yes u get 30 days free wen u buy the game. monthly its 15 bucks a month if u pay with credit card for 6 months its 12 bucks a month .. trust me the 3 bucks make a difference! i would try to pay with credit card if i were you but if you cant buy a wo…
Pick we you like most it dosnt mattter if you have friends on horde side pick troll but if alli pick gnome if i were u i wood pick gnomes because there hard to spot in groups and because of there racial traits i think are far better then trolls but …