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  • Originally posted by solareus My Character was different from those around me, I rarely died in the arena, I had combination skills from a variety of different pools that no one else was using, and no one looked like me. Think if you used the tem…
  • Originally posted by Nefiti Originally posted by Gkarn You’re both right and wrong. At first all the power sets seem alike. But when you reach the upper areas, it turns, you need different powersets versus resistances. Plus there the ranks and …
  • Actually, I just re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-restarted it and now it says Server Down.... WHY DOES SHE KEEP LAUGHING AT ME???   EDIT: Ok, it just started downloading out of the blue now....yay go me I guess...  
  • It does. Man, I wish they had a random image generator for this thing; I'm starting to think that the chick is laughing at my dismay... 
  • Ouch... Well, kinda nice to know it's not just me, I mean, since I didn't see anyone saying anything about this, I thought I was just on my end. It does make me worried tho. Cryptic should've be able to make a better patcher/patching proccess...
  • Sigh...this is seriously starting to look personal.... 
  • Well, this sure was a good read; still haven't been able to log in the game to see it for myself, but the review was informative and gave me a good and needed insight on how's the game, thanks for taking your time to post it. 
  • Originally posted by Comnitus Most of the Open Beta keys were available through Fileplanet, like many MMO betas. They fed the new client off to Fileplanet because that's where most of the overload of players is coming from - people who got it thr…
  • Ah well, doesn't sound like a game for me then... I mean, it's not that I dislike big groups, hell no, most of my greatest times in games have been with incredibly large groups. But I do dislike NEEDING such a group at all times 'cus, simply put…
  • Sounds pretty good actually. One question though: when you mention groups, you mean you need big groups or would a duo solve it?