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  • I may try this Rangarok game this weekend. Graphics DO NOT matter at all.  Some of the greatest games ever had terrible graphics.  Pokemon sold millions and millions.  Their graphics were crap.
  • Rs doesn't suck.  I am not one who appreciates a game because of graphics.  The community is awesome.  The fansites for that game are like few other games.
  • Not a very bad idea. Something with e-mails... Something like a weekly game review could be included in the message.
  • Oh dear... those are worse than RuneScape.  The rs graphics are as bad as I can go. 
  • I never knew that you could actually burn yourself with an overheating notebook.  I have played some games on notebooks before and I haven't had problems.  The most stressing game I ever played on one was the sims.  Not too harsh on the video card o…
    in Laptop Comment by rathofdoom March 2004
  • Looks pretty interesting.  How are the graphics?  As long as it's not 8-bit, I might try it out. 
  • RuneScape and a little bit of Ashen Empires.
  • Wow...   Erm... this is the scariest thread I have ever seen at a forum.  I don't have a problem with pants and I hope you keep yours on.
  • Is that a f2p game? I'm not gonna pay for some game untill I can at least try it out for a month.
  • Okay. I'm wondering, but can pretty much any game news be sent?  Like if there is a rather small game update like a new quest?
  • Well, I'm not gonna quit RuneScape.  I have too much related to that game.  I moderate one of the largest fansites for the game, and I also am on the staff on an upcoming fansite for the game.  I also enjoy it a lot. As for another world.  I don…
  • Heh, never thought I'd see someone I know here who also just joined. Alsan, there is this game currently in beta testing called Ashen Empires or something of a similar name.  www.dransik.com links to it.  It's a pretty neat little game.  Not the g…