Don't feel bad at all dude. My girl is 14 and I am 17. As long as your not just out to get some you should be fine. The first time I saw my girl I thought she was at least 16, she was realy hot (at least I thought so). Alas, I am going out with her…
That's right...heh. Either you admit both are bad or you admit neither are. I personally don't give a damn about either. Most ppl like to pick and choose, when in reality it's the same thing, but they want to make themselves feel better about their …
Lol, Super CollumbineRPG...I remember that. Beat it , pretty good game actually. After you kill yourself at the end you go down into hell and fight as demon gods. Is this game also made with RPG maker? Or is it an RPG at all? The link didn't work w…
Uh, don't know how much your into metal or anything but heres some bands I like.
Dimmu Borgir (New album In Sorte Diaboli just came out btw)
Cradle of Filth (Thornography is good, not realy new anymore but if you dont have it you may like it)
I vote Dante, from Devil May contest. He defines the word "badass" In fact, I think the inventor of the word badass actually was a scientific genious and he (though little is this known) invented the time machine. He travelled into the fut…
Ah, well hey thanks for your alls responses. I'm glad to know it is just as much of an enigma to you all as it is me, lol. BTW i take offense to the "all anime lovers are emo" comment. ;p I'm a metalhead, and no not metalcore but I do like a lot of …
Originally posted by Rikimaru_X
It would be funny if there was an Easter Egg where link finally speaks and he sounds like Samuel L. Jackson.
Even better, he sounds like keanu when he was playing in bill and teds excellent adventure.
Well, I'm glad I wasn't the only one who cried over the last samurai.... Other then that no movie, but when I was like 10 or so I cried on the one episode of pokemon when ash had to let butterfree go free....that was sad to me... lol...well that was…
I think it may represent young children raised to be drones, like in the song. Children taught to "sit and listen". They raise kids to be robots so we'll be robots when we grow up. The kid with the X is the one who is free, and not a robot. The one …
Originally posted by outfctrl
Marijuana Medical Implications
Over 50 percent of people will use marijuana sometime in their life.
While intoxication lasts two to three hours, the active ingredient in marijuana, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol…
Originally posted by Slickinfinit
I smoke it every day about 3-4 times usualy, I am pretty fit mostly because of diet but I can still run and do sports most ciggarette smokers couldnt. I been smoking 'cookies' for over 9 years and aside from a lit…
Originally posted by Draenor
Smoking pot does not impede motor skills? Right sure, tell that to all of the stoned friends that I have hung out with in the past...sorry but there is no way in hell that you're ever going to convince me that the…
Originally posted by WantsumBier
Originally posted by Thanatosx33
First off Cannibus does not it any way impede motor skills. Drug commercials are very misleading on that. They will say that one in every yadyada accidents are caused by people u…