mmrv said:
Luiden said:
Let's not forget that this game was part of the biggest scam of it's time in the early 2000's. Took a lot of pre orders etc and the game was basically nothing (did not give money back), they got into legal…
My guess, and of course its all speculation, is that LA will push the shutdown, (as has been mentioned before in this thread). They can't be happy, and of course we know they are not. SoE took the most viable and potentially most profitable franch…
Your agument is hopeless too. If Second Life was so superior why would I have switched? If Second Life is so amazing why would the company that owns it say I never made a purchese after I bought 500 dollars worth of virtual land? Huh, explain becaus…
Thats the main problem with this game, besides the bugs, lack of content, and more bugs, everything is "planned".
Seriously, travel to another spot in the game from your starting area, guess what you will find? Nothing, no NPC's, no mobs, no pl…
Feel free, I won't be there to group with you. Nothing personal of course, but this game is really, truly a stinking pile.
Start as a Dark Elf, lots of people running around causing lag, the normal for a launch. Start to look for quests to run…