Originally posted by niccoli00
Originally posted by Fadeus
I will never understand why people form guilds before a game launches for a game. That is like setting yourself up for disaster and WAY over-hyping yourself for something.
There is p…
i to was a long time sof member, council member, and led the guild alongside strofer. when i first joined this forum was when i decided i wasted too much time in a worthless game already and there was no point continuing to do so. Strofer tried hi…
the Chat room has been geting out of hand. Mods are starting to create new rules without letting anyone know :P favorite quote of the day:
<+MovoS> free speech is allowed in a constructive manner, your previous nick was not constructive. Al…
for those thickskulled people still considering buying because they have yet been convinced not to, here ssomethign i wrote up a couple days ago.
I have a hard time with patience in the game. Problems i have with it:
1. LAG. i recently upgraded …