im playin since march (cAion) , i rushed that one . was kinda fast
but , when the NA came up , i decided to take it easy , and just play to enjoy the game , the quest , reading all that stuff and trying to figure it out , not just hit next ..…
OK , enuff about the WoW >> Vanguard thing , damn it >< . its another game , if u wanna play it , play it , if not , psss dont play it , that simple
and btw , the game isnt out yet and its already reviewed in its beta phase
U wanna …
Well , from my experiences , all games are a copy of a sucsess idea from another game , Wester Estern Asian all . But some games have unique ideas games have tried to copy and failed . Thats the problem of Estern MMOs , they are all the same (basicl…
hmm , it can be done , im pretty sure of it , (im saying the character into another game) sure , thats kinda easy ... kinda the same as creating a monster or an NPC . just have to implement the new textures and all that , to just mimic the other cha…
only if Gunz had the grafics from Exteel and if Exteel had the gameplay of Gunz , I think we have a winner here ...
Exteel is a game like Gunz , if ure bored , go and play one or two rounds until u figure out what to do next , thats…
okn guys .... those of u saying stuff about 9 dragons .... the game totaly sucks ... you will see . and about SUN , i think the game will do well in US rather than korea , and granado espara , i play that game for a while , its super fun cus people …
Yeah , i been playing ZerA for a while :P , im a spanish speaking person ... and is a korean game , so , all the translated info is in english , but i dont care how many languages i have to learn to play the game , its like no other , im lvl 29 Summ…
well , it seems that this 2Moon is Dekaron .... i could belive that , because they got 9dragons from korea , Acclaim is only translating the game , so , 2moon might be a translated Dekaron , Dekaron is a great game with kinda "new" grafics , the gam…
in E3 , NCsoft had a booth with the MMOs there working on , and one of them was Aion , and they had a little trial for the game , and they said that the "Flying" is like WoW the grifins , its a path that you take flying , but in the future they coul…
ok there must be 3 reasons why you (Wizardry) u have a bad impresion about ZerA
!. i bet u watched the video .... "As per usual you can't even enjoy the fight scene because there usual 5 animation frame sequences are not even visible.…
well , yeah its a grindfest . but i liked it cus the battle sistem is kinda diferent from the other ones , and the grafics and all , this game hooked me up , and as for the "its korean" well there are people translating the interface and stuff like …
lol im in the beta , thinking only one thing , this game will rock my socks LOL .... sadly ... no it didnt rocked my socks off , just for one little detail . the CAMARA angle .... i thought that it would be like a regular mmorpg , likw moving freely…