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  • For those who dont have a credit card a prepaid is also accepted this is a debit card that you load money on  check into www.rushcard.com  or www.netspend.com i dont know  but i doubt if payapl is used as I now use a prepaid debit card after my ffxi…
  • Good luck but still get a prepaid anyway you can use it for other things than subscriptions....I send my kids allowances to the card direct deposit from my account...and for ebay paypal.
  • These days it seems that all new players are "homed" in Bahamut. It's announced that in march FFXI will be available in french and german and they just brought in gm's that speak both......Bahamut is the server but if you have other friends in other…
  • We use rush card for our gaming habit ...it takes less than 7 days to recieve it and you can apply online....you load the money via moneygram or direct deposit...the fee for loading that rush card ...well that money gram charges is like 3 dollars...…
  • If you still have friends in that server request a buddy pass/world pass. Only accounts that were banned or suspended for real money trading....gil selling and gil buying.
  • My fellow mmorpg player ....apply for a prepaid card.....www.rushcard.com or www.netspend.com we have used them for years specifically for our online gaming habit....get the card...load the cash.....use it for your subscription...it also helps you b…
  • What's your name on ffxi and your server? Traystar or Anais are ls pearl sackers...it will be no problem....Ldy
  • You can find a lot of parties and not have to join a ls...actually you can start your own party that is what I do often and ppl do respond...just  /shout and watch the response. Bahamut isn't a bad server at all and new ppl are coming every day.
  • The whole family are Final Fantasy XI fantics here....why? We think the graphics are great .gameplay and quests ...missions are challenging and fun. The Link Shell participation is cool.....made many friends online and off from all over the world. R…
  •  Any 1 that wants to join ocarinaoftime ls thats in bahamut server ask dachnade or unclekurls or Orlathrox or our ravenville for a pearl they are all sackholders just bring yourself and be yourself...u won't be disappointed...oh yeah Brandt as well …
  • Im sorry but the name i have onffxi is ocarinaof time ...dachnade is our resident mad scientist he has pearls.....always on tell him ocarina sent u.
  • Not a stupid or noob question ppl have played solo with out one but you make the game easier if you have a friendship or alliance with one.  Ls=linkshell items a group of players ...a clan or "family" so to speak. We trade with each other help guide…
  • Welcome again! www.ocarinaoftimels.fnfradio.com  or just look for Traystar my ls is ocarianoftime....and everyone is friendly and laid back.
  • Most use a series of alphabets or initials for nicks some playing on pc will play 2 accounts at the same time...it is done.
  • With the purchase of the game is a 30 day free trial,afterwards 12.95 a month for 1 character each additional is 1.00 per char each month and I recommend that you do purchase an additional character to act as your "mule" for items that you can no lo…
  • We,ve and I do say that we (son and I) have been experiencing FFXI since July '06. I,being new to the FF series as well as rpg/mmorpg and my son, a pro. No online gaming experience is ever perfect but much of the problems that we have experienced ha…