Originally posted by ValiumSummer
Originally posted by Death1942
terrible punctuation and grammar...but anyway
i'd say Runes of Magic maybe?
Darkfall (i guess) is another (sandbox)
Ryzom is another sandbox (no classes, just skills, so you mak…
The problem got solved by it self... think my internet provider blocked the IP's or something by mistake .. im enjoying the trial at the moment.. pretty cool game
www.guildwars.com wont load
and the game cant connect.. whats wrong ? it worked fine yesterday
i cant connect to ArenaNet either... (after pressing the guildwars.exe)
EDIT: after long time waiting on 0% it finish and enters the game …
secret looks ALOT like wow... O_O Wauw... heh... lookin forward to it... and ive tried perfect world.. was ok... intresting with playermade cities and stuff...
Well.. im not asking for much either.. im a poor student and im on a very fixed budget... watch it as a christmas present if ur not playing anyway...
Merry Christmas from Almeyda
thx socrates - RV does actually looks intresting... but theres alot of bad reputation out there and only 100-300 active players :S
maybe if they had a trial i would try it out... but u have to pay like 40£ or something...
i feel like a complete retard... i cant find anything about what ur talkin about on the eu homepage...
can pre order´... yes but i dont wanna pay money before ive tried the game...
Originally posted by Mars505
nice.... NOT..... its only possible for americans to play the world tour... im european..
damnit :P will have to wait for a 14-day trial or something when game get released!