Originally posted by Deewe
I won't compare the graphics as we don't see much difference in terms of poly, nothing like AoC. They are both different and similar at the same time.
The combat gameplay is quite close. WoW is better polished, but WAR …
My first MMO was wow so i think i am stuck on the cartoon look .I played a few others that looked real but rly didnt like it.Gonna take some gettin use to for future mmo games for me.Dam u blizz.
well i know im new sry for being so harsh logan, But the silence thing is great for certain classes like mage they blink right to a hunter bam bam bam ded locks are hard also.And i have seen ya lock in game before server stormreaver, a…
A bad example of buffing classes is what I see WoW attempting with there expansion.
Example, hunters are killing machines in pvp. The easiest target for any hunter to beat in pvp is a caster at range. They can interupt via pet, scatter shot, feig…