Originally posted by Moaky07
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by uquipu
Originally posted by Garvon3
The majority, the vast vast majority of WoW's player base does not roleplay. There are a grea…
For any pick up group i prefer ffa on looting since how can you determine the need of some random person. That being said as long as the the loot rules are agreed to prior to starting and as new members join it is a non-issue.
Can't really blame the marketing guys that they had and emergency update today.
I agree a week would of been a better period of time to offer for those interested.
Originally posted by //\//\oo
Originally posted by trewin
You have to define exactly what you consider skills, otherwise the question cannot be answered intelligently.
1 /sk?l/ Show Spelled[skil] Show IPA
the abi…
Originally posted by Ragemaster
SF released and completely bugged up the PVP server that i played on semi casually ,nagafan. The new expansion went through with ZERO pvp testing, and now its a train wreck. View the official pvp forums , people ar…
I don't play on the the PVP server and don't participate in BG's so for me it has zero effect, though I would raise objections if the started trying to balance for PVP.
Originally posted by depain
No PvP? This is an absolute turnoff. Any news of a world PvP server in the future?
Seems that most of the games last year that were PVP oriented tanked to a large degree, maybe they are on too something and addin…
Originally posted by SEANMCAD
Perspective: EQ1 still has a sever and they are still making expansions for it.
Do we think sony would keep that server up if it was not making money?
I very honestly do not think it takes a ton of player to keep a…
Originally posted by SEANMCAD
Originally posted by trewin
Did not know that they were running 1200 person battles on DF.
I have only been in a segie with about 100. That said, the manwar ship has 100 manable cannons. So to just man tha…
I am not sure what the devs should be Listening to as most every fix it thread has people on both sides of the issue and honestly people who troll game boards like us are a real minority of the games population.
Damned if they do Damned if they do…
I do not think it is needed and as many have stated trying to do both usually makes a lackluster game.
I think seperate ruleset servers would be the way to go ala EQ and WOW at launch.
It seems when developers are trying to please to many people…
Originally posted by Bahbus
I will not buy this title. I don't enjoy any of the mechanics of the game. It was a great concept that turned into crap.
Not enjoying any of the mechanics I get as that is personal preference, but the concept is st…
I am enjoying the game and having actual GM's on 24/7 to help you if needed is something I havn't seen since SOE decided to do away with dedicated server GM's to save a few bucks.
You don't have to be in a expensive ship to pvp. Get in a 00 Corp and pvp in cruisers with corp mates while earning money there , alot of them will supply tech one stuff for pvp.