they say they are already hard at work on future content releases, one of which is more/better space combat features. dont know how viable it would be to make it more open like jump to light speed.. prob ably wont be as in depth/open as that. but …
after reading the review, i've come to the conclusion that even if the reviewer didnt spend hours on end in the game, many of the complaints about the game that they had, don't need someone to spend hours with it in order to decide that they dont li…
I wish people would stop supporting companies that release unfinished games by purchasing them, when its well known that they are not ready for release. maybe that would send a clear message that consumers expect a certain level of quality.
Originally posted by Gabel
Originally posted by Ruyn
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
Ah man thats a classic
Dark and Light had internal problems with some of their game code they where sued by another company + t…
your cpu and ram are fine ..but that video card will have to go... its way too old to be able to play this game. If it miraculously even runs, you will probably be playing a slide show. spend $150 on a descent video card...youll be happy you did.
looking forward to the launch...
DAoC launch was by far one of the best in terms of connectivity, lack of bugs etc.
im sure the launch will be good for this game as well
This game is as much a MMO as diablo is.
and its buggy as all Hell.......pun intended
ill buy it for the single player...but my mmo will stay WoW until Warhammer arrives
I dont mind apples at all. The main thing keeping macs from getting further into the gaming mainstream is the price. for the price of a mac that can play games descently, you can get a pc that will blow it out of the water. i mean just compare a …
its a downright shame that PC games are loosing their retail footprint nowadays.
my local gamestop flat out stopped selling PC games altogether except for a select and the like. heres to hoping pc gaming makes a comeback.
highly looking forward to stargate...I hope they dont BORK it.
definately going to try warhammer, gods and heroes and conan, then will stick with the one i like best.
Pirates of the burning sea gameplay doesnt really impress me as of yet. t…
saw that someone posted that its a player run economy. lol
this game looks like Lineage...and even IF they do away with the level grind, I can guarantee that it will turn into a game with gold farmers and bots controlling every aspect....just…
3 cheers for korean level grinding mmo's!!!
where Quests dont mean squat and the only way to work your way up through the game is pick a spot and kill the same creatures over and over again