Both games are boring, but the lotr graphics are smarter, they went for texture instead of polygon, vanguard tried something new, gota give them that, but they just did not take it far enough, the bump maping looks cool ya, but looking at miles of …
you are the thing ''typical'' here.
Whats typical is people who buy something whit their hard earn money, and after they notice they got riped off royally, they cant
accept it, so they go on telling every one how great it is, they even try and g…
Originally posted by solareus
Originally posted by Dawgrum
I was in a group today for about 2 hours just killing mobs around a achatlan. We even bagged a few namers. I enjoyed the "grind" as you put it. Maybe the game is not your cup of tea, …
No levels, levels have no reason to be exept for the fact that most game think its the only way to keep a player base for a while.
Whats up whit that, a farmer with a frying pan should be able to kill a knight if he is sleeping.
No endgame, make…
Originally posted by Drumwiz
Right....I have no idea what you just said, but thanks.
basically means that anything you do will be a better use of your time.
Originally posted by Drumwiz
Well I'm not sure how much time is left on my free 1 month trial when I bought the game, but for now I will be cancelling my subscription basically because:
1.I do not see nearly enough progress since launch
2.I was a…
Originally posted by Snikes
I hesitate a lot between these two titles. I'm a bit worried about WAR, though. I read that the game will be focused on perpetual war. Everything (questing, crafting) being war oriented.
Since war means PvP, I'm afrai…
Maybe they dont have the exp to make a good mmo, but i would like to see the art directors, modellers and texturing team from bethesda teaming up on an mmo project.
i played it on highest setings, i got the rig for it, its still empty, buggy.
O ya you can see far, you can see that your gona run for miles on end and see nothing, a rock here, a tree there, the
only thing its got is the bump maps on the hightma…
Ok i had enough of people saying this game looks good, if you would know anything about game programing and texturing you
would'nt say that,
high polly count does not make a game look good, it makes most system lag, you can make a game look 10 t…