its an ok pvt server
all the changes they made kinda suck its like 1 real developer
Lacks some serious content its like the same fight everyday with xrealmers
admins are power hungry Wargrimnir reminds of that guy from blackmirror who …
a game where getting gold to evolve gear
and gold sellers at the ready with a shit ton of gold buyers for sure
shit end game design imo no raids shitty zerg world boss shit i think i had more fun with archage and that game was for sure p2w
already got bored gw2 was alright. I think wow is better also i think im just getting tired of mmos
gw2 didnt feel like it had any kind of community just a zerg zerg zerg even in wvwvw
also i not a wow fanboi quit that game long ago same re…