Thanks for the info Eugam, I have been hoping that they would do a trial of Vanguard as it sounds interesting but you read so much negative press about it.
Sorry to hear that mate but I have had no cr.p in my inbox at this site. Now my inbox at work is another matter, I get at least 10 a day. I feel your pain
No to the first 2 but I did purchase gold once, that was for WOW to get a mount. There was just no way I had the time to get the money together "in game". It would have taken me months and I just didn't have the time to do it, if the cost of mounts …
I have had very few problems with my vista running 2 gig of ram. No point putting in 4 gig unless you have the 64 bit operating system and I don't see any benefits to running the 64 bit - sounds like it has even more problems that the 32!
Thanks for that Amazingavery a good read. I am always amazed at how easy it is to get a negative response on just about any subject. I for one am looking forward to both AOC and WAR, I will try them both and hope one of them shows me a good time for…
Thanks for that swordmark. I must admit I am keeping an eye on how this game is coming along, it does sound like it will end up being a good game to play....given enough time
And there I was thinking that I was the only one! I have been playing MMORG for about 6 years but I gave them up about 6 months ago. I keep my eyes on this site for the next -I was going to say big- interesting thing to come along. Still have my fin…
I hear you Donnie,
I love and have played many great games and have enjoyed them all, EQ, EQ2, WOW to name a few. The down side to all of these games is in raids, I love em but the time it takes to get a group together and play through it (without…
Hi all,
if there are any invites still available I would love to get involved, never been involved in the early stages of games and would love to be in on the ground floor.