This thread is 100% true.
They baited everyone with "this will be a good pvp game" and with specifically saying death would have a consequence. Now the game is live, there is NO pvp death penalty, and it's exactly the same old boring crap we have …
They said there may be item looting servers on this game.
No one is going to be a "hardcore raider" in a game on a PVP server with item looting. You raid 10 hours a night, wipe wipe wipe, then get your RARE drop loot and if someone kills you in PV…
I could write about this all day, but on AC 1 on darktide they put housing barriers up ...... they only really wanted to include them on the NON-PVP servers. The barriers destroyed darktide. if you are "still kicking around" on darktide you are enjo…
The thing is the numbers are not officially released, so it's up to journalists to dig up that type of data. I assure you, it is extremely interesting and valuable data for financial companies like trading houses and other competing game companies.
This game is destined to suck because it's a two faction system like WoW. You can't have any type of player / guild politics in a two faction game. You can't roleplay "good" effectively when every player is automatically doing the same exact thing (…
I like player looting because then I don't have to PVE to get gear ...... no one bothers to do it. I remember in AC when new content would come out no one on Darktide would do it, because the items tended to be to high value to hold onto a…
Remali, you are absolutely wrong.
You can add it as an afterthought as long as it's only on a few servers, no all of them. Then people who prefer that server over a regular one can play it. Trust me, the server will be full..... even if YOU pers…
It's pretty freaking OBVIOUS that not every single RPVP server aught to have item loot ..........
It also seems extremely obvious that SOME of them should......
I can't imagine them making anyone who wants to roleplay forced to play on an item…
People who write things like this are the reason suicide exists.
"I don't find that the PvP in WoW sucks, what I think sucks are the people out there that feel that to have a good time they have to be able to steal something from someone else ie…
It's not addictive , it's just fun.
I like the thought that it is more like Chocolate than Coke. Sure, some weak willed people can probably become addicted to chocolate, but who cares.... they are the minority and they are flawed individuals. T…
WoW BADLY needs a new server type that is dedicated to PVP and specifically town raids / world PVP.
What the game needs are changes like 1. limiting town guards or removing them completely. 2. Removing soulbound status from items and adding item…
Since they put housing barriers up on Darktide it is unplayable. Lifestone wars were the good times. When guilds lived in towns, not behind invisible invincible barriers.
Now it's like "i wonder where all the players are" ....."oh they are all…
New PVP server would be the shit. Doesn't matter if a few people level up super high .... the world is so big. New PK and Anti clans would spring up. Fighting over Lugian citadels and Sawato would begin in earnest. =D
I would re-subscribe my acco…
Og beat everyone because he was so much higher level. We were like level 20s in the lugian citadel and Og would come flying in at 100 miles per hour, stab us all, fly off the screen. I remember once I was staring at my radar looking for his dot and …