If the anti-AOC opinions/posts mad you this mad, and you truly are this happy with the game, and have NO DOUBTS that it will be the best thing ever... then stay out fo the dang forums. A flame for or against is still a frame my friend. I think we ha…
I would kill for an indepth MMO with no hot bars. I currently play DDO and Zu and I have more of my screen taken up with buffs, hotbars, party names, targetiong etc/ then I do the actual game world. It drives me nuts. Streamline the experience and l…
I've definetly been interested in this game for a while but this is the first time I've read an overview that makes me think it might work as I hoped. This class does look awesome. It assuages some of my concerns that the combat would be too static …
Yah know, I've playe dthis game since launch. i've taken a few months break here and there as I get tired of running the same content. i am very active on Argonessen, and formerly Mabar. I;m in Semper Fi and Night Wolves. I've done pretty much all t…