"The artwork will be the least divisive topic."
Not sure how you came to that conclusion, but I think you're dead wrong. I think the art will be very divisive for many persons, maybe especially older ones. A lot pf people, myself included, are r…
Seriously, what's up with all the cash shop hyperbole? People are jumping to a lot of conclusions, based on zero facts. Personally, as long as any items for sale don't give anyone an unfair advantage in the game, I don't give a crap. If you feel you…
The really sad thing is that probably more than 50% percent of the people here going on about how horrible the game is or will be, and about how horrible Bethseda is for making this decision, and a hundred others, will be there on day one playing th…
Sounds promising, but I can make them another promise: if they have a perma-death system in place, or allow looting of corpses, the game will never make it big. Also, lol, isn't there a single screenshot available that isn't just some trees and gra…
I can't believe nobody is asking the one question everyone still playing the game would like to know - or should like to know: will any of these progession changes be retroactive? Will players get any new abilities based on their current experience?…
I really can't fairly comment too much on this game, as to whether it's good or bad - for pvp or pve - because I played the beta for so little time. I just could not get into it. I was almost immediately totally turned off by it when I saw all the e…
I agree with some others here that there tends to be a little too much hand-holding of players in some games' pvp, but I'm not a big fan of full-looting myself. Pve is usually the least attractive part of an mmo to me, and replacing money and loot l…
I'm really looking forward to trying this game, but the one thing I haven't seen any mention of, amidst all the raves about the graphics and the real voices, etc: lag. Are there any lag issues? Seems like all that tech would take a real hit on bandw…