Significant impact on [geek / gaming] culture does indeed have weight on a list like this, but on a list like this, not this one, so thusly titled. And here's why. Geek culture is so powerful that it well deserves its own list, perhaps titled …
I'm particularly interested in RP vids (both MMORPG and non-MMORPG). I love seeing how RPers use their imaginations to stretch and expand the boundaries of games, to tell stories that liven and go beyond the static ones already in game. Am currently…
Good points, indeed! I recently tore down my hot mess of a YouTube channel and began rebuilding it with tips such as these as priority. Here's the link to the 8 factors I'm following:
The above reasons are exactly why I've stayed the hell away from Early Access games. Also, many of the reasons above are exactly why I bought Darkest Dungeon, the first Early Access game I've ever purchased. Kudos to that game and it's team.
"but the lack of support makes it seem like RP is invisible or dead"
Therein is the answer to the question asked in the article's title. The reality is very different, of course. Roleplayers are alive, well, and thriving throughout the entire …
Another one of my fun fave MMORPGs. Very good balance of land and space combat and non-combat quests. Also love the time spent roleplaying as both Federation and Klingon.
Hey, Ripper X! Glad you finally found your way into URU, welcome! I've been playing for a couple years, and loving it. The no combat and actual mentally-challenging puzzles are a great refreshment after playing so many dull and repetitive MMORPGs.
"C9 was developed as a Free to Play game. Current services in Korea and other countries have free to play service. We are planning to adapt the free to play service model for C9's global service. We are planning to announce more detail information o…