Hey i swear.. my names are correct, my highest toon is 18, I dont know any kind of bug and exploit and dont know how to use a bot... I was questing alone, then I alt tabbed to check something on facebook and went to bathroom.
5 mins later the ga…
All I can say is that I had a email asking me to reset the password of my account, and if it wasnt me simply ignore the email.. what I did but it was like a week ago.
I sent a ticket but what is reddit?.
Thanks for the info, also its the unofficial RP pvp server I think? the one you mentionned with overpopulation of villain. Also I dont care much about trolls, This game is incredible. Maybe in long term you will have to reroll some other heroes/vill…
I plan maybe to get back next week, once I receive my laptop... if those stupid customs could be faster....grrr... To level my 59 paladin to 80... and reroll something else once cata is out probably.
Well might get back at it then, wanted to give a shot at GW 1 but same stuff about xpacks, there is not much options out there about mmos, all new sux and I dont like Aion much...
thinking about this one
I dont know what you are talking about, Ive been playing on laptops for years, dont know if your havnt been optimized... just not remembering your own laptop model sounds weird to me.
Ive been playing WoW and AoC on this laptop with a 8800m gt…
ah yes sorry about that didnt knew.
well a laptop with mobility 5870 will run this game no problem with i7 processor, im not affraid of that. I just wanna see if I can tolerate the low setting on my laptop with a 8800m gts
the problem on my laptop is the cpu , only got 5450 I dont expect much of it... despite I got a nice vid card in the 8800m gts
Im gonna give a try first with mine.
How was the benchmarks for ff? what you got?
yea was wondering about alien too... but aliens are about 2399 and all more they got is the possibility to add crossfire... exept that the specs are pretty much the same from what ive been reading...
and cash out 900 bucks only for that possibilit…
The one I seen on futureshop is 2299$ with top ATI card 5870 and qi7 processor, not so bad, also a 1920 screen with 8 gig...
I find it a pretty good deal + awesome look
There is also another option at 19.99, expansion up to faydwer, what is the level cap up to this expansion?
And is it possible to go on the 50/51 server with those exps or you absolutely need seed of destruction?