Things like these are near useless.
If you port from certain cordinates to the other, the server knows that ain't possible and will flag you. In WoW you had these kind of things for the first months aswell untill blizzard started with there almigh…
May i ask why you posted this ?
Just to act { Mod Edit } like the rest of the guys who think there statement is importend ? If you dont wanna play it, so be it ,who cares. To much of these posts are getting posted.
Sometimes you have to fight for your right.
I was in the same boat, but i did something about it, but now it's to late ofcourse. The only people that have the right to complain are the ones who pre-ordered a long time ago and not just on the fly, …
Originally posted by DeadDingo
Originally posted by lonhelyg
A Very Exciting time for all Mmo AoC lovers !
30 years old and such a spastic, i just checked your history of posts and it's just funny. Let us all hope you never cr…
Some people are such a sad spastics.
They don't get into the EA and instead of posting in the generel topic about it on the funcom forums they go spam around the web that funcom is a shit company, like really go get some air or something.
Warhammer is not for yet, so if you are searching for a new mmo why don't you try AoC first ?
Give it a shot, i mean we need a good new mmo on the market and whoever it will be.
What the fuck ?
Ofcourse the single player thing has zero replayability since you skip it once you made your first char, it's just a very nice tutorail.
Originally posted by altairzq
Yes, I knew from te beginning that they are trying to attract that kind of players, blood thirsty kids that want to imagine they have arms as thick as they real thin body (with the exception of the ones that write in…
It's a good number, we are talking here about very detailed combat with more players then the alterac valley in world of warcraft. The static number make it become a very well tuned compitition zone where skills matter and not numbers.
People can …