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  • You will probably find there wont be many chosen keys for a little while... especially if it involves patching to add the new keys into the game database or whatever.     Hold tight, I'm sure theyre working on it. More keys = More money.   …
  • Are they still doing server maintenance? I havent been on of a Tuesday night for a while now... I wonder why its so hard for them to do at least ONE patch to fix a few common bugs... I mean theyre probably going to bring out a better Fury if they …
  • Just bumping this so I can find out a few things. First of all, is it worth leaving off a piece of armor to use higher ranked abilities? A few days ago I was in a 4v4 with no pants, and it seemed the higher ranked ability really made a difference…
  • @ Mojawk; I think its ridiculous that you call Fury crap because you dont like the changes. Its people like you that are making the game harder to play, because you wont log on. The only reason people are waiting around is because people are finding…
  • Auran aren't killing Fury, I think its just the rapid turnover of new people making a new account and quitting, mixed with the number of people who are experienced, making new accounts to 'farm' gold. I have a few accounts, 4 paid actually. If Aur…
  • I'm 100% behind that statement. Im still in my learning stages of finding the best build for me, but when Im on my destroyer, it is not often that I lose a bb, or at least rank lower than 3rd. The lack of competition is sad, but even today I helpe…
  • I agree with both of you. I played pre-aotc and stayed on, and personally I think aotc was a good thing. 2 new match types, with 2v2 being added in the next patch, and the balancing of armor etc.   I remember constantly wondering why i was getti…