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Gamer since the 70's.


Last Active


  • SL a Game?   That explains how people act in it :P   SL is a sandbox world you make of it what you want, the only winning is that you enjoy your time in it.  Like other virtual place on the internet, people are 10x what they were offline.  So it a…
  • Hey, I would love to see some the old games (some that are around now) updated to new technologies. But I seen this happen and it get more complex and over complex UI only later to be simplified after release. I love the Star Wars franchise…
  • Hey,       Afkers and spammers, well why we want to be afk is varried and not all due to the LP, it may not be the major either, Everything takes time to do. 1> level mountts 2> level skills ( I seen lots of founders botting places of regu…
  • There are ways around idle kickers, but imaginative Devs should come up with a better alternative then have all the computer resources tied up to idlers. What a waste of money and image to new people.
  • Hey, This is my observation from the P&P industry. And life of it.... First off, the pie of P&P players is disparaging to other things that people have time for. In the late 80s and 90s I would say was was golden age or P&P. T…
  • Voice is a good thing most of the time but I know  people for get things like who is talking.  The best one is  "follow me" or "come to me", and you trying to guess who they talker is??   And the one that gets me, " why did you not heal me I said he…
  • I am finding wow is not worth investing money into. It just like every over online game that been around a while. Level caped people who not will to help lower level people. I have been playing it off and on since beta. This week my return because…
  • Ok,    When I play a f2p system I do not spend money on it.  And if i hit a sport where i have to spend money i uninstall the game and call it stupid.  I Live on very strict budget,  and being a poor gamer makes life hard.  My computer is almost a…
  • My 2 cents worth:   (take 2 - I really hate when my post gets lost  ....)   Well I not goign to say all i spent 30 min typing out again.. but  in a nut shell   1> EQ2X i find is a good alteritive to EQ2live is yo uwant to try it out f…
  • This has been a long time issues on games that  promote  pvp in any type.  Make each class more balanced and survivable.  Or else the servers that  allow open PVP will  push out the the less PVP classes.  Making everyong one of the uber pvp class…

  • The question is group or not to group..     I prefer to group I hate to solo.  So I choose classes that group well (like rouges and healer types) but in most the games i have played they are not solo classes either.   So I always look for a group, b…