Originally posted by camp11111
Originally posted by FFandDB
I ve played a lot of MMOs , from Wow to Aion, Linage II and many more. What i have seen in Blizzard is that they have made wow a huge farm game. You must farm for honor,gold,repu…
I ve played a lot of MMOs , from Wow to Aion, Linage II and many more. What i have seen in Blizzard is that they have made wow a huge farm game. You must farm for honor,gold,reputation,items and nearly everything.
They have not made any realy chan…
There is no official release date yet, but its supposed to release be4 christmas.
Its not a grinder like most Asian mmo's, and i really like the "wow" gameplay with the L2/GW graphics.
And ofc the whole animatation of the game is awesome…
Originally posted by kwstas123456
What i hate about almost all new MMO is that they all got about 7-10 classes.
I have played a lot of RPG , and i mean ...wtf . There should be a lot more classes in every game. At least 15-20. I know the balancin…
Yes, SWG was awesome, but dont forget that 2008 is a year of many new MMO releases. I do believe that one of these games will become what we are all hoping for ....Imo it will be either Warhammer, Aion or WotLK.
Originally posted by Gameloading
The game is still quite far from release, it would be pointless to start advertising now.
I dont know if i am too damn sleepy or my eyes are making stars, or this is actuially true.... 10.145 posts.....wow, wow…
True, Wow will retain a lot of old players with WotLK, but if it goes bad and doesnt add something refreshing to the game (just a new class and a new continent) WoW will die for real in the next months.
Originally posted by Rigonn
Originally posted by FFandDB
Originally posted by admriker4
Fallen Earth belongs on the list.
There are 200,000 ex-SWG players out there still looking for a sandbox MMO to call home.
There are millions …
Originally posted by admriker4
Fallen Earth belongs on the list.
There are 200,000 ex-SWG players out there still looking for a sandbox MMO to call home.
There are millions of old-timer gamers like myself that are bigtime fans of the Fal…
Originally posted by MarkJW
Originally posted by FFandDB
With some more publicity and a good high quality Aion site, this game could become the best hit for 2008 and get a very huge subscribers base with more than 2 millions.
But w/o …
Originally posted by Pappy13
Originally posted by FFandDB
all the players.
With all these bots u cant really get the full fun of the game anymore.
From everything u read that was , what bothered u? ffs....
But I thought they were …
Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy 8, Zelda , Starcraft and Heroes of Might and Magic 3.
They got countless hours of my time , and in many cases they captured my soul and my mind
What i mean is that with so many Mmorpg coming out this year people have to choose wich game will they play so they upgrade their system on time .
You dont really think that if people who upgraded their pc to play AoC will upgrade when Warhammer o…
After spending 2.5 years on WoW , on both alliance and horde faction, both hardcore and casual, i believe that Blizzard has to come up with something new.
IF WotLK will be similar to TBC (just new continent, +10level and few more features), i thi…
Originally posted by Briansho
Originally posted by FFandDB
AoC needs a good pc, many people need and upgrade and thats a disadvantage for sure.
If warhammer will have even bigger requirements it will be very difficult for many players...…
Originally posted by Trowar
Meh, you missed out Fallen Earth. It will attract all Falllout fans out there. Sure it will not come out this year, then again will Darkfall?
You think Fallen earth will have a chance against AoC, Warhammer, A…
Well i really think that everything depends on WotLK.
If it is good, there will be no competition for WoW. Nothing will go further than 1 million subs and WoW will raise even more.
But furthermore, because thats a longshot ( i personally think t…
Now that AoC has been released i am even more sure that AoC wont get more than 1.5 million subscribers and it will lose a lot of them when Warhammer and Aion comes.
My prediction is that if WotLK will be as bad as TBC then Aion and warhammer wil…