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  • Originally posted by jeffyy This is 2012, games are significantly less successful and make less money if they are not free 2 play. There`s no mmorpg F2P. Period. It`s either with ad`s  or item shop .. I hate item shop because it`s simply mean a…
  • I am a happy no life geek. You're an unhappy yes life no geek. That possible?  When you attack someone else worth it`s just reek of your own insecurity. You had a very strong snobbish tone. This is what happens when you`re insecure. You  need to  pl…
  • It's just the thing with heavy theme park mmorpg.  It's still a mmorpg. In Ultima online you would purchase a bunch of reagents and spam magic spell for hours to level up your resist. In DAOC you would camp Pygmies for hours and gain 1 bub each 2 ho…
  • I will probably try GW2 .. But I`m just really browsing this board after 4 years of inactivity. What I want is this back .. Best RVR ever.   Maybe it`s more nostalgia .. But i dunno !!
  • Why you want to play on OSI anyway?Look at uosecondage.com if you want the best free shard.OSI completly suck.The Staff and the fun in that server's 10000000000000000000000 time of what OSI is now.This is by far the best server you can find right no…
  • Ultima online was the best . End down. TOday mmorpg just pale in comparison.I'm still playing Ultima online .. yet i played age of Fail for 2 month and i'm having more fun in a free t2a shard. because in Uo your role was more defined.You was eithe…
  • Ultima Online was always about macro'ing.When i played macro was tolerated.Although they used to ban folk using third party program.But really can you blame them?Clicking Anatomy 100,000 time ain't very fun . Because before anatomy was not raising w…
    in Macroing Comment by GrosCul May 2009
  • Originally posted by dradrules no need to wish uogamers.com  and its free   Uogamers suck ass . It's certaintly not like the T2A era.They have a mix of all the era and they added their own crap (Neon blue beard lol) .Skill raise to fast.Ev…
  • Uo still very fun if you love the feeling of liberty.The community ain't very big but they're pretty much all very nice peep willing to help newcomer.Around half the player in Haven asked me if i needed something.That tell a lot about the Uo communi…
  • Grinding for most player it's camping a spawn until you outlevel them and move on to another camp.Dark Age of Camelot was like that in the beginning.They had quest but grinding was faster and paid better.DAOC had a good idea about questing.When they…
    in XP Grind . Comment by GrosCul May 2009
  • So you recently learned the name *carebears* .. Congratulations.You did stir up the pot . You simply used a certain type of player(stereotype) to add weight to your point.Repeating carebears 15 time in one paragraph won't make your point more valid.…
  • Leveling h 1-22 :Very easy . Also do the poitain quest etc and the town quest.You can ding 2-3 level before going into the big world starter zone. 22 to 27 : I usually start with Connall Valley . You will level very quick here.In a couple of hou…
  • Ultima Online had safe zone and also had a flag system.You need to protect newbies from veteran murderer that will and only want to grief the noob one for easy stuff.A free for all PVp with no consequence has no meaning in a Role Playing game.Some f…
  • Yeah i was impressed also by the trial . Now i have 10 day left to my subscription and i notice that i don't log anymore.Already all that *Omph* is already gone.Exactly like it did 1 years ago.I was amazed and 10 day before my subscription finish , …
  • Nice review but don't get it wrong.This game ain't in the same league of the big mmorpg out there.You compare apple to orange.Darkfall it's basicly a private mmorpg(closed retail lol) You claim that darkfall deliver in the pvp aspect . You don't w…
  • Hours you play per week has nothing to do with Casual gamer.It's more about the world/npc holding your hand in your journey,For exemple World Of warcraft..You follow a path in a linear way , whom you can't get lost and all it's require , it's your w…
  • Originally posted by SgtFrog if this game had gone for the guild wars approach do you think it would have done/been better? So the world is instanced (to you and your party) except for towns so Buy to play and semi mmorpg like guildwars …
  • Originally posted by Kaelaan21 Originally posted by LitigatorAB I've seen on the main boards (the boards where only active subscribers can post) that AoC subscriptions (in their view) are up above 200,000, and might even be around 280,000.   No…
  • The fact is.Not everyone got a budget of 30 millions and 5 years to make a game(like blizzard did)