I'm sorry but you say helping the helpless.. which sounds selfless.. and dont get me wrong im not saying your not a great guy.. but the whole idea of helping people and being genuine about it you dont even consider them as markers.. its just helping…
awww old EQ i remember my first day.. it was a beautiful day i brought EQ home loaded it up.. and logged in.. thought ok.. barbarian... shaman.. because i can get spirit of the wolf. I get in and wander through the town wondering how do i get out of…
actually i cant stand to watch TV at all anymore other then some shows.. the News is off limits because it makes me irrate how they seem to only portray the bad side of things.. rarely is there a positive side to the news. the liberal media has dest…
they will probably win and this is why...
If a judge is so insanely stupid that he will let a woman actually bring up charges on David Letterman for sending her hidden messages over the TV and give her an actual restraining order saying Letterman …
Originally posted by DamonVile
As for the fee, I spend more at lunch then I do in a whole month of wow, and the game doesn't smell like crap in a few hours :P
nice.. very nice.. haha
Originally posted by Clexle
idk if this was alrdy said i just dont wanna read 5 pages of posts
Okay White people go to a island and take a black gorilla
they chain it up and take it into the bottom of their s…
Originally posted by jdun1
Originally posted by Tanjin
you know what your right i havent been to prison and you know what? im not planning on going. you think a person should be proud to go to prison? i have worked around inmates before.. so dont ge…