Originally posted by Domesto
Originally posted by qotsa
Normally, I'd bash Bush and what he has done. But I think I am starting to realize these terrorists will never stop untill we wipe them out. There shoud be no negotiation between the world and…
Originally posted by Yamota
Originally posted by B._TOM_Kidd
its not portion of Hamas, its all of them.
who u think send the suiciders ?
who make the bombs ?
who give the money to the right ppl ?
and no, we dont kill civians in puruse.
when we ki…
Originally posted by Yamota
Originally posted by B._TOM_Kidd
Sure, we do war crime.
what about Hamas that send ppl to suicide in our cities and kill everything in there area ( what about all our childrens and womans that died in the Intifada (?))
Originally posted by baff
They are supported by the south Lebanese population. The only people in the area capable of taking control over them is you and Syria, and it's a job neither of you want.
I'm quite hopeful about those bombs, previously Hi…
Originally posted by Yamota
Originally posted by B._TOM_Kidd
Israel dont want to kill Hesbollah,but to disarm them from the weapons and missles.
u guys forgot, that we left lebanon in 1999, and since than we allways got attacked by Hesbollah, and …
Originally posted by baff
Originally posted by B._TOM_Kidd
Israel dont want to kill Hesbollah,but to disarm them from the weapons and missles.
u guys forgot, that we left lebanon in 1999, and since than we allways got attacked by Hesbollah, and al…
Originally posted by baff
Originally posted by J0kerr1
Going to break this conflict down. I will list the two groups that are doing most of the fighting..i will tell you their goals..you tell me what they should do:
Isreal - Kill Hesbollah, Survi…
Originally posted by Kem0sabe
"they will fix it soon (tm)" "they will add it soon(tm)" "we are working on it(tm)" "its working as intended(tm)"This seems to be coming from SOE´s camp more and more often, many promisses made since january last year, …
sure they are money hungy, so is very other company on that matter.
why do u think we pay 15$ a month and not 5/10 ?
now, i dont know how SOE was in the past, as EQ2 was my real first p2p MMO (after playing dosens of others free/privte server MMOs,…
Originally posted by Senden
As stated in a different thread, all those figures prove, that $OE are money hungry asshats and are scared they are losing money because of the popularity of WoW and are doing their upmost hardest to get more money. If E…
Originally posted by scaramoosh
Truth is BR8 gets you nowhere : Small selection of certs and only 1 implant.
Without Rexo and a personal shield you stand no chance anymore tbh, they unbalanced it soo much.
Actually, u can have rexo and HA with br8.…
Originally posted by BurningPain
Is this a new pvp ruleset? No. Its the same carebear one as always.When you kill a player you can't loot them.You probably can't kill your own faction.You can't even message your enemies.Screw this carebear crap.
in the end of the month EQ2 will ad PVP to the game.
they adding new servers with PVP ruleset, and no transfer so everyone start from scrath.
also, u gain EXP for killing other players, so, we will know if its goo or bad only after it will realsed.…
Originally posted by Abdar
The simple fact you can't kill greys (8+ levels less then yours) is very lame. Just another feature added in EQII to make it less 'real'.
Ganking is part of pvp, period. I mean, they are basically copying WoW now in every …
Originally posted by seabeast
Ok, saw some words mentioning changes over the last 6 months. I left about 8 months ago, seemed rather...boring. I am a night player and experienced the lack of playing during the midnight hours, kind of boring running …
well its sound great.
now the poster 2 posts above me said something that made me worring about.
but to prevent this, they said u get EXP debt if u die in PVP.
also, nothing happen if u got some dishonor kills while most of your kills are honrable …