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  • Thanks guys, I finally got out of Jeuno but it took about 6 tries and 3 hours . I was level 10 and i really wanted those leggionnaire's knuckles... I'm never going there again until i get a chocobo lol. Edit:Does anyone know if I can store all of …
  • I am so mad.. I can't get out of Jeuno without the monsters killing me!!!! I've died 4 times im getting so annoyed and i de-leveled! Does anyone know if it is possible to teleport to your home town if you set your home point to another place?
  • Originally posted by maltos Jeuno: East Saruta -> Tahrongi Canyon ->Meriphataud Mountains ->Sauromugue Champaign -> Jeuno Bastok: East Saruta -> Tahrongi Canyon ->Buburimu Peninsula ->Mhaura (take the boat from Mhaura to Selb…
  • Thanks for the quick reply.. do you know how i can get to jeuno/bastok from windurst?
  • Originally posted by Duilyon Would it be incredibly hard for me and my friends to do all of the content? There will be only 3 of us? Is there still a lot of people leveling up and such? As i said before it takes as little as 30 minutes to as…
  • I am only a level 20 but i've learned quite a bit about the game and I'll try to answer as many of the questions as I can. 1)This game is very grindy. The first 10 levels are solo which alone took me 2 days. After you get level 10 you NEED a party…
  • Thanks for all the help guys. That ffxi wiki website has helped me alot. So far the game is pretty confusing though . I haven't killed anything yet (I've played for 2 hours) and this guide says i should buy the level 1 equipment but i don't know how…
  • Sorry for posting twice in a row but i have another question . Can someone explain to me what skill chaining is/how to do it? I've been searching for a good explanation but i can't find any. Thanks
  • 3 Hours and 20 minutes to update... this is bull... i geuss im not gonna be able to play much today 
  • Thanks guys. I hope that the community in game will be as nice as you. Oh and thanks for the links they are helping me alot! Edit:I just got the game (I love the smell of a new game O.o) and I'm installing it now. I'll tell you what i think of it …
  • Thank you man! Thank god that i dont need to dish out 50 bucks . Maybe I will meet you online sometime.
  • Major Edit: I wanted to get final fantasy but i found out there is a wings of the goddess expansion... and i don't want to buy the pack and then the wings of goddess expansion. That would total up to around 40-50 bucks. Since im only trying to find …
  • Alright so its between FFXI and Planetside. Anyone have any more advice? Need one more poster to decide..
  • Originally posted by Housam yeah ff11 is a great game...i loved my time in it...graphics are a bit dated...nut it still looks great How long did it take to get in a group?
  • Thanks for the quick responses! Still unsure since all games seem to be good although im leaning more towards Planetside right now. Anyone have any more advice?