huh wow ok thanks for the advice and help, can anyone give any suggestions to any other class i might like? I kind of want some heavy armor and weapons engineers look interesting, whats the 411 on them? So do witch hunters, and then finally is there…
Alright i got the game up and running and it looks great thanks alot for the advice guys
Now i need some help on servers which ones are the most populated and friendly im also looking for a guild if anyone has one
One more question how do range…
Instead of posting a new thread id thought id use this to ask my question...
Umm i am recently returning to the game and got it all back and downloaded last night, but when i open up the window LOTRO gets threw all the updates but then freezes whi…
alright thats sick sounds like a fun game for this summer? Do you think that the game has potential to improve because ive been reading some pretty bad reviews for it so far?